1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

MUI Information


If you are concerned about the health, welfare or safety of someone with a developmental disability, the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities MUI department is here to help.

Step 1: Always take immediate actions to ensure the person is safe, healthy and out of danger.

Step 2: If you suspect someone is the victim of a crime or is in immediate danger, call 911 and ensure the person’s safety first.

Step 3: To report an MUI, contact the County Board Investigators at the following:

Regular Business hours: 440-329-3734

Afterhours/Emergencies: 440-282-1131

Independent Providers MUI/UI Forms:


  1. What is due and when is it due?

Every Independent Provider must submit to the County Board a sample of their monthly Unusual Incident (UI) Logs. The County Board is requesting each IP send in their monthly sample as follows:

If the last name of the Independent Provider begins with

Submit the UI log for the month of

Fax, email or deliver the log to the Investigative Agent by
Letters A – F March April 10th
Letters G – N June July 10th
Letters O – S September October 10th
Letters T – Z December January 10th
  1. What form do I use?

The form can be found here

  1. Where do I send it?

Choose one of the following

  1. What if I don’t have any UIs that month?

You will still need to submit the form for the assigned month when it is due. Indicate on the form that you did not have any UIs that month.


Every Independent Provider must submit to the County Board an annual analysis of MUIs occurring during the preceding calendar year.

  1. What is due and when is it due?

Every IP must turn in an annual MUI analysis no later than Feb 28th each year.

  1. What form do I use?

The form can be found here

  1. Where do I send it? Choose one of the following
  1. What if I did not have any MUIs this year?

You will still need to submit the form for the year when it is due. Indicate on the form that you did not have any MUIs this year.



  1. What is due and when is it due?

The County Board is required to review, on at least a quarterly basis, a representative sample of agency provider’s unusual incident logs. The County Board is requesting Agency Providers send in the following monthly UI logs:

If the Agency Name begins with Submit the UI log for the month of Send it to the County Board by
Letters A – F May June 10th
Letters G – N June July 10th
Letters O – S September October 10th
Letters T – Z December January 10th
  1. What form do I use?

The form can be found here

  1. Where do I send it? Choose one of the following
    • Email  MUI@murrayridgecenter.org
    • Fax to 440-326-0247
    • Postal Mail to 1091 Infirmary Road Elyria OH 44035 Attn Investigative Agents
  1. What if I don’t have any UIs that month?

You will still need to submit the form for the assigned month when it is due. Indicate on the form that you did not have any UIs that month.


Every Agency Provider must submit to the County Board an annual analysis of MUIs occurring during the preceding calendar year.

  1. What is due and when is it due?

Every IP must turn in an annual MUI analysis no later than Feb 28th each year.

  1. What form do I use?

The form can be found here

  1. Where do I send it? Choose one of the following
    • Email MUI@Murrayridgecenter.org
    • Fax to 440-326-0247
    • Postal Mail to 1091 Infirmary Road Elyria OH 44035 Attn Investigative Agents
  1. What if I did not have any MUIs this year?

You will still need to submit the form for the year when it is due. Indicate on the form that you did not have any MUIs this year.

MUI/UI Forms:

Helpful Links: