1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

Supported Employment

Murray Ridge Supported Employment fully supports the implementation of Ohio’s Employment First Initiative. Murray Ridge has provided Supported Employment services for over 30 years. The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities has partnered with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities to provide intensive employment services to individuals in our Opportunity/Vocational Centers who desire competitive, integrated employment. Murray Ridge is working collaboratively with the partnership.

Murray Ridge Supported Employment provides the following services:

Group Employment Supports

Group Employment Supports are dispersed Enclaves that work in companies in the community or mobile work crews which are supervised by our staff. More than 100 individuals participate in Murray Ridge Enclave services and we are dedicated to exploring new Enclave sites to continue to expand our presence in the community. Program participants receive work skills training and job coaching at each site.

Career Planning

  • Career Discovery: Assessment and development of a written Career Discovery Profile of the individual’s skills, strengths, interests, and recommendations to successfully gain integrated competitive employment.
  • Career Exploration: Assisting the individual to interact and observe job holders and job sites. May include job shadowing and performing actual jobs.
  • Situational Observation and Assessment: Observing and assessing the individual’s interpersonal skills, work skills, and behaviors at various community paid work experiences. A report is developed that includes information about what skills need to be developed further to ensure a successful competitive job placement.
  • Job Development: Working with the employer to customize the job and identify accommodations that might be needed. The goal is to develop strategies for the achievement of competitive, integrated employment.
  • Employment/Self Employment: This individualized service creates a clear plan for employment or start up of self-employment for integrated competitive employment in the community. A written employment business plan is developed that describes training, assistance needs/supports associated with starting a business.

Individual Employment Services

Individual Employment Services include on the job training and coaching to assist the individual to maintain and/or advance in integrated competitive employment.

Contact Information

Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Supported Employment Services
Jodi Denes, Supported Employment Director
1091 Infirmary Road
Elyria, OH 44035
Telephone: (440) 324-4993
Fax: (440) 326-0251

< 2024 >
  • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

    The next Family Support Meeting is September 17th, at 5:30. The meeting will be in the Admin Building (Conference Room TBD) and Zoom.