1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

Lending Library

What is the Lending Library?

The Early Intervention Equipment Lending Library was created in 2007 in cooperation with the Lorain County Board of DD and the Lorain County Family and Children’s First Council. The purpose of the program is to provide no cost, short-term loans of therapy equipment and adaptive toys to families of young children in the EI Program. In 2022, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided funding to support and strengthen technology used in EI programs. The Lorain County EI program used ARPA funds to grow the existing Lending Library and move to an online loan and tracking system.

Assistive technology such as therapeutic equipment and toys for infants and toddlers are very expensive, and they are often not covered by insurance. Additionally, young children change and develop at rapid paces which often results in them outgrowing equipment quickly or not needing the item(s) long term. The library also allows families to trial different items before purchasing. Our goal is to make sure families have access to equipment and adaptive toys so that their children have opportunities to develop, thrive and play!

Who Is Eligible?

Families of children enrolled in the Lorain County Board of DD’s Early Intervention Program are eligible. Community members, therapists, and educators, may be permitted to borrow equipment on a case by case basis. Please contact Heather Knoble, Early Intervention Supervisor, at (440) 284-3655, to discuss your situation.

What Equipment Is Available?

Check out our current inventory at https://eilendinglibrarylorain.myturn.com/library/. If you are in need of an item or would like to donate an item, please contact Heather Knoble, Early Intervention Supervisor, at (440) 284-3655.

< 2024 >
  • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

    The next Family Support Meeting is September 17th, at 5:30. The meeting will be in the Admin Building (Conference Room TBD) and Zoom.