1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

School Age

Click here for information about the USDA summer meals programs!

Frequently Asked Questions About Free and Reduced-Price School Meals

Two boys wearing orange shirtsThe LCBDD operates the Murray Ridge School in Elyria – a positive, caring and nurturing environment that enables students to acquire and practice functional skills in a manner that fosters self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

Murray Ridge School is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to achieve to their potential by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.

As part of the National School Lunch Program, Murray Ridge School has a Local School Wellness Policy. If you are interested in being involved with the development, implementation, periodic review and/or updating of this policy, please contact Dann Swift, Director of Educational and Children’s Services (440) 329-3760 or email dswift@murrayridgecenter.org. Please see our Wellness Policy and our Wellness Committee Goals.

The School-Age Program is for children ages six through 21. Students are referred by their local school districts. Placement requires:

  • Approval of the local school superintendent/designee
  • Consent of the child’s parent/guardian
  • Agreement of LCBDD that placement is appropriate

*Programs and services are provided to enrolled students at no cost to the family.

  • Transportation
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Communication therapy
  • Nursing
  • Assistive technology

* In accordance with the child’s IEP, during school hours or when school is in session.

School programs are chartered by the Ohio Department of Education.  The law requires that an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) which outlines goals, objectives and services, be developed for each student.  It is prepared cooperatively with:

  • Home school district staff
  • LCBDD staff
  • Parents or guardians

Placement is based on the IEP, which is reviewed when needed, but not less than once a year.

Children are taught at the Primary, Intermediate, and Senior levels by transdisciplinary teams.  Team members work together to address each student’s needs, as reflected by the IEP.

Instructional Goals

To prepare students for:

  • Communicating
  • Managing one’s body
  • Accepting home and work responsibilities
  • Understanding self and others
  • Involvement in the community
  • Developing leisure skills and functional academics

At Murray Ridge School, student learning is functional and individualized.   Instruction often takes place outside the school to help students transfer skills taught in the classroom.

  • Restaurants
  • Shopping malls
  • Recreation facilities
  • Libraries
  • Community sites where students can be included

Many parents and volunteers assist students and staff on community outings.

Students can participate in a variety of activities at school.

  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America (meetings held weekly during non-instructional times)
  • Special Olympics
  • Field Days
  • Monthly social events
  • Seniors’ annual prom

As students near the end of their school career, Individualized Transition Plans assist each student and family in preparing for life choices, integration into the world of work and community, and decisions about where to live.

Contact Information

Lorain County Board of  Developmental Disabilities
Murray Ridge School
Dann Swift, Director of Education
Breana Hedges, Classroom Supervisor
Stacie Starr, Classroom Supervisor
9750 Murray Ridge Road
Elyria, OH 44035-4805
Telephone: (440) 329-3760
Fax: (440) 322-5849