1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

Family Support Services

Helping Family Caregivers


Family Support Services assists a family who keeps at home a family member who has a developmental disability. The program promotes the unity of the family by assisting it to meet the special needs of the individual.

Who is eligible?

A family is eligible for family support services if it includes a family member who resides at home and is eligible to receive services through the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Copayment Schedules

Some families may be required to pay a portion of the costs of items/services covered through the Family Support Services (FSS) Program.

The copayment schedule for a family will be based on the family’s federal taxable income, as certified by signature.

The percentage that the family must pay is identified in the following schedules:

FSS Cost Sharing Schedule [applies only when the eligible family member is on a Medicaid waiver (i.e.- IO Waiver, Level I Waiver, and Self Waiver )

Income Co-pay for Goods and Services
$27,258 or LESS 0%
$27,259 to $37,759 10%
$37,760 to $48,260 30%
$48,261 to $62,261 50%
$62,262 to $79,762 75%
$79,763 and OVER 100%


FSS Cost Sharing Schedule [applies only when the eligible family member is NOT on a Medicaid waiver]

Income Co-pay for Goods and Services
$48,260 or LESS 0%
$48,261 to $62,261 5%
$62,262 to $79,762 20%
$79,763 to $99,999 35%
$100,000 to $125,000 50%
$125,001 and OVER 70%


Who to call?

Early Intervention participants (infants and toddlers ages 0-3) may receive an application packet from a Developmental Specialist through Murray Ridge School — (440) 284-3655.

All other families contact the Intake Coordinator at LCBDD Service and Support Administration offices — (440) 324-2366 or (440) 233-4600.


Based on the family’s request and assessed needs of the individual/family, services available through the program may include:

Respite Care:  Financial assistance for relief from daily care of an eligible family member, either in the family home, the caregiver’s home, or an approved respite facility.  Requests range from a few hours, a full day, a scheduled vacation or assistance in an emergency.

Special Equipment: Financial and technical assistance toward the purchase of special equipment for an eligible family member.

Home Modifications: Financial assistance toward the installation costs of ramps, doorways and other modifications to help an eligible family member with daily activities.

Special Diets: Financial and professional assistance toward the use of special dietary preparations or supplements as prescribed by a physician or qualified dietitian.

Counseling, Training, and Education: Support services that meet special needs to help family members provide the proper care for an individual with a disability.

Therapy: Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy for eligible children under three years of age upon recommendation by a physician.

Diapers: Diapers/wipes and/or underpads due to special needs of individuals five years of age or older.


Request for services is initiated by the family.

Request will be approved if funds and services are available and consistent with the Board’s Family Support Services plan and philosophy.

Family allocation can be accessed each quarter.

Families reapply at the beginning of each fiscal year for continuation of funding.

If the needs of the family change, a new application is submitted.

Families must verify that they have exhausted all other funding prior to requesting Family Support Services funding.


The selection of providers is the responsibility of each family. When using a family selected provider, the family will sign a waiver assuming responsibility that the health and safety needs of the individual will be met and that no liability will be incurred by the Board.

Due Process

In addition to rights otherwise guaranteed by state and federal law, Ohio guarantees all applicants or service recipients the right to appeal with regard to eligibility determination, arranging appropriate services, and any denial, reduction, or termination of services by the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Contact Information

Family Support Services Coordinator
Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities
1091 Infirmary Road
Elyria, Ohio 44035-4805
Telephone: (440) 329-3734

< 2024 >
  • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

    The next Family Support Meeting is September 17th, at 5:30. The meeting will be in the Admin Building (Conference Room TBD) and Zoom.